It's not fun to face change — wildly unexpected or unwelcome changes.
We've all experienced the sudden rush of conflicting emotions that erupt to the surface. You may feel sadness, anger, frustration, or other things after having a change forced upon you.
But the first thing to remember while facing change in life is that even though there are some things you can not control, at least you can control how you react to what is happening.
Here you can find some easy things you can do while facing change to regain control:
Acknowledge your feelings.
The first step in taking back control of your reactions is acknowledging the emotion you are experiencing. Take stock of the thoughts that are racing through your mind, the physical changes that may be occurring in your body, and any beliefs you may have about your situation or other people involved. Being aware of these feelings will help you establish what is truly happening inside of yourself instead of outside of yourself.
Don't bottle up your feelings. Be honest with someone you trust.
Don't try and deal with everything on your own. Be honest with someone you trust! They might have a few ideas to help you out if they have been through something similar. It's always good to get a second opinion.
Focus on the things that you can control.
Focus on what is in your control and let everything else go. Don't let anything affect how you feel about yourself or how confident you are in your ability.
The goal here is to stay grounded and maintain the same level of focus regardless of whether things go well or poorly for you at any given moment.
This approach requires immense discipline and a high level of emotional maturity. Still, when done correctly, it puts you in complete control instead of giving outside forces power over your success or failure (which is quite empowering).
Create a plan for dealing with the situation
Ask yourself:
"what do I want to accomplish?"
and "how long will it take to achieve my goal?"
Then, break down primary goals into smaller, more manageable steps.
Take action by carrying out your plan immediately or as soon as possible. Remember that changing behavior takes time, so don't get discouraged if things don't happen as quickly as you'd like them to occur.
Review your progress regularly and make changes if needed. This step is crucial because it helps you measure how far you've come, identify problems before they become overwhelming, and create new goals when necessary.
Remember that nothing is permanent, and everything will pass in time.
So much of the stress we put ourselves through is caused by our reaction to things outside our control. And the more often you remind yourself that nothing is permanent and everything will pass in time, the easier it will be to move past whatever’s bothering you.
There will always be uncertainty in life.
Change is inevitable, and you can not make everything stay the same forever.
The good thing is that you can discover and learn what to do with your emotions when faced with change, so you should be able to manage your reactions more effectively.
This self-awareness allows you to walk through the valley of uncertainty with a greater sense of control.